| ![]() DOE-STD-1136-2004
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiation Protection in Uranium Facilities
10.3.1 Pre -Operational and Operational Activities
Determination of the natural background levels of radiation and of the background and fallout
radionuclides is a critical step in decommissioning. These levels are best determined before the facility
becomes operational. These levels need to be determined so the incremental dose occurring from material
left onsite at the termination of operations can be assessed.
The contamination control practices and records maintained during facility operation will also be
important. If paint is used in contamination fixation (seldom an optimum, but sometimes a necessary,
practice), it should be of a distinctive color and the location should be permanently recorded. Other records
are also helpful in planning and executing final decontamination for dismantling. Spills , pipe and tank
leaks, ventilation failures, burial of low- level radioactive or potentially radioactive materials onsite, or
other actions that might affect decommissioning shall become part of the permanent record of the facility
and be considered in decommissioning planning. Insights from workers who worked at the facility during
the operational phase can also provide useful information on past incidents.
10.3.2 Post-Operational Activities
DOE program organizations shall identify contaminated facilities under their jurisdiction, document
the potential for reuse and recovery of materials and equipment, and develop decommissioning schedules.
Before decommissioning activities begin, adequate surveillance and maintenance should be performed for
inactive facilities that allow them to: 1) meet applicable radiation protection, hazardous chemical, and
safety standards, 2) maintain physical safety and security standards, and 3) reduce potential public and
environmental hazards. Deactivation operations, such as removing all high- level waste and stored
hazardous materials, should be performed by the facility operator as part of the last operational activities
before entering into the decommissioning phase.
10.3.3 Decontamination and Decommissioning Activities
The following discussion of D&D activities is divided into four phases: site characterization,
environmental review process, general decommissioning planning, decommissioning project plan, and
decommissioning operations. Site Characterization
Characterization data shall be collected to support a thorough physical, chemical, and radiological
characterization to fulfill the requirements of NEPA reviews, and the RCRA, CERCLA, and SARA
preliminary assessment/site investigations and detailed engineering. The facility characterization shall
include the following:
a. drawings, photographs, or other records reflecting the as-built and as -modified condition of the
facility and grounds,
b. the condition of all structures, existing protective barriers, and systems installed to ensure public,
occupational, and environmental safety,
c. the type, form, quantity, and location of hazardous chemical and radioactive material from past
operations at the site, and
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