| ![]() DOE-STD-1136-2004
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiation Protection in Uranium Facilities Estimating Potential Event Consequences
For the scenarios developed in the previous step, this step determines the area potentially
affected, the need for protective actions, and the time available to take those actions. The way these
consequences are determined will depend on properties of the hazardous material. For uranium and its
compounds, the following possibilities should be considered.
the analyst may need to calculate either radiation dose, air concentration, or both for the
postulated releases. For a specific scenario, different models may be needed to analyze
different consequences to determine which effect is limiting (for example, radiation dose,
soluble uranium intake, or HF concentration).
Model features. For reactive species, the ability to model the transformation and
depletion of material during transport is important to a sound analysis. Because the
hydrated uranyl fluoride formed by hydrolysis of UF6 is a solid, some will be lost due to
gravitational settling as a plume moves away from the release point. When analyzing
consequences of a postulated accidental criticality, correcting for the decay during
transport of the short-lived fission product gases will produce a more accurate assessment
of consequences.
9.2.2 Program Elements
Properties and characteristics of uranium and its compounds will also need to be considered in
formulating the emergency management program elements. Following are specific program element
considerations related to the hazardous properties of uranium. Emergency Response Organization
The primary influence of uranium's hazardous properties on the Emergency Response
Organization (ERO) is in the staffing of the consequence assessment component. As will be discussed
below in Consequence Assessment, staff assigned to the ERO should be knowledgeable of, and able to
quantitatively evaluate, both the health physics (radiological) and industrial hygiene (non-radiological)
aspects of the hazard. Offsite Response Interfaces
The specific properties of the hazardous material do not significantly affect the content of this
program element. Operational Emergency Event Classes
As with all hazardous materials, classification of emergencies for uranium facilities should be
based on the predic ted consequences at specific receptor locations, as compared with numerical criteria for
taking protective action (dose, exposure, air concentration). If a material has two or more recognized modes
of effect and associated protective action criteria, classification decisions should be based on the more
limiting one.
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