| ![]() DOE-STD-1136-2004
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiation Protection in Uranium Facilities
beta levels from decay products may be many orders of magnitude greater than the exposure rates from
the uranium.
Figure 2-5. 238U Decay Product Ingrowth
2.3.1 Alpha-Neutron External Hazard
The interaction of alpha particles from uranium with the nuclei of fluorine and other low-Z atoms
generates neutrons of approximately 2-MeV energy. The magnitude of the neutron flux varies, based on
the total activity of uranium (which is a function of enrichment) and the chemical compound in question
(mixing of U and F). In the case of UF6, the typically measured neutron dose rates for cooled storage
cylinders are as follows:
Natural-5% enrichment:
0.01-0.2 mrem/h
Very high enrichment (97+%) : 2-4 mrem/h (contact)
1-2 mrem/h (3 ft)
The preceding values were measured with a 9-in. spherical BF3 rem meter. In general, the exposure
potential of personnel to neutrons generated by the (alpha, n) reaction is not high. However, if personnel
are required to spend more than a few hours per week in close proximity to containers of uranium fluoride
compounds or if their assignments require them to spend time near storage or processing areas for large
quantitie s of uranium fluoride compounds, the exposure to neutrons should be evaluated. This is
particularly necessary since the personnel monitoring badges may not be neutron-sensitive or may need to
be calibrated to the specific spectra. Penetrating radiation exposures from
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