| ![]() DOE-STD-1136-2004
Guide of Good Practices for Occupational Radiation Protection in Uranium Facilities
photon radiation will not be indicative of neutron exposures. This is because the higher photon penetrating
radiation exposures tend to be associated with used but empty containers, where decay products have plated
out on the sides, while the maximum neutron exposures are associated with full containers. There is a small
additional neutron flux from spontaneous fission associated with full containers. Neutron sensitive
personnel monitoring badges are recommended for operations dealing with uranium fluoride compounds.
2.3.2 Mode of Uranium Entry into the Body
Work practices are designed to control radiation exposure to levels that are as low as is reasonably
achievable (ALARA). Reductions in exposure time and increases in shielding help reduce external doses.
Effective contamination control techniques and ventilation/filtering systems help reduce airborne
radioactive material concentrations and resulting internal doses. Where complete contamination control is
not reasonable, internal exposure of uranium compounds as aerosols or deposited particulates may occur.
The effects of uranium exposure on the body depend on the mode of exposure. External exposure concerns
are limited to beta and gamma emissions, of which the gamma field is quite low and the beta field may be
mitigated using protective clothing including safety glasses with side shields. Internal exposure and its
potential effects through radiological or chemical toxicity depend on the route of entry, and its distribution
depends on the solubility of the material. Solubility is complicated by the wide variety of stoichiometric and
crystalline uranium compounds. Inhalation and ingestion are most commonly assessed as routes of entry.
Although not covered here, entry of uranium into wounds is also a concern, and its distribution depends on
its solubility (See sections 5.9 and 5.10 for further discussion). Absorption through intact skin is unlikely.
The type of radiation to which the body is exposed and the length of the exposure determine the biological
effect of the radiation exposure. Inhalation
Inhalation hazards from uranium result primarily from the alpha emissions. Inhalation of uranium
particles and deposition into the respiratory system are dependent on particle size. The nasal-pharynx
system filters out most large particles that are still small enough to be inhaled. Larger particles can be
inhaled--a common convention is to assume inhalation possible for all particles 10- m or less aerodynamic
equivalent diameter (AED)--but most particles that penetrate to the lower respiratory tract are less than 3- or
4- m AED. Uranium in the lungs has been shown to exhibit a wide range of retention values. Clearance
may occur through physical processes removing particles that are not embedded into the lung by cilia
motion to the esophagus. Uranium particles that are soluble in lung fluid are chemically dissolved, and the
ions are transported into the bloodstream where they are further distributed. Uranium particles remaining in
the lung constitute a potential radiological hazard as they impart their alpha emission energy into the
surrounding absorbing tissue, potentially causing significant damage within a small sphere around each
particle. Particles removed from the lung to the bloodstream primarily represent a potential chemical
The significance of these hazards is evaluated using models of uptake and removal recommended by
national and international scientific radiation protection organizations. The lung model described in ICRP
Publication 66 (ICRP 1994) uses solubility Types of F (fast), M (moderate), and S (slow). In comparison to
previous models, this model better describes deposition, retention, and clearance data and decouples
physical and chemical clearance processes.
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