| ![]() DOE-STD-1164-2003
State and local requirements
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements
Identify the method that DOE uses to place specific requirements on CAS
operators while they are operating for DOE.
Discuss why the FAA has regulatory oversight of some DOE CAS aircraft
missions and not others and identify those that your field element conducts for
which the FAA has no responsibility.
Briefly describe the FAA's level of oversight of CAS operators including the
regularity of this oversight.
Describe your field elements' methods for conducting oversight of CAS operators
Identifying when an assessment needs to be performed
Identifying the individuals that may be qualified to perform the assessment
Determining the regulations, policies, and procedures that the operator will be
assessed to perform
Identify the major areas addressed in the DOE Commercial Aviation Service
Checklist that should be included in all CAS operator assessments.
Aviation Safety Officers shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of the
requirements contained in 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 91, General
Operating and Flight Rules; 121, Operating Requirements: Domestic, Flag, and
Supplemental Operations; 133, Rotorcraft External-Load Operations; 135, Operating
Requirements: Commuter and On-Demand Operations; and 137, Agricultural Aircraft
Operations; for commercial operators.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills:
Describe which Parts of the Federal Aviation Regulations govern certificated
operators versus non-certificated operators.
Describe some of the differences in FAA operations and maintenance
requirements for certificated operators versus non-certificated operators
Crewmember qualification
Crewmember training requirements
Flight and duty time limitations
Airworthiness inspection differences
Discuss the types of missions that require a Part 135 operator versus those that
may be performed by a Part 91 operator.
Identify the regulations that the Department would be primarily concerned with
when procuring the services of a CAS operator to conduct various missions
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