| ![]() DOE-STD-1166-2003
Describe and explain the radiological concerns in the design, construction, and
operation of containment and confinement systems.
Discuss the design and operational characteristics of containment and confinement
systems that minimize personnel radiation exposure.
Discuss the relevant Departmental requirements related to the following radiological
control elements:
Contamination control
Radiation work permits
Radiation safety training
Posting and labeling
Respiratory protection
X-Ray generating device.
17. D&D personnel shall demonstrate familiarity level knowledge of DOE Order 231.1A,
Environment, Safety, and Health Reporting, and DOE Manual 231.1-2, Occurrence
Reporting and Processing of Operations Information.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
State the purpose of the Order and the Manual.
Discuss the Department's policy regarding the reporting of operational occurrences as
outlined in the Order and the Manual.
Describe the actions that must be taken immediately following an occurrence.
Define the following terms:
Operational Emergency
Significance Category 1 Occurrence
Significance Category R Occurrence
Significance Category 2 Occurrence
Significance Category 3 Occurrence
Significance Category 4 Occurrence
Occurrence report
Reportable occurrence.
18. D&D personnel shall demonstrate an expert level knowledge of the purpose and
requirements of DOE O 430.1A, Life Cycle Asset Management.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Describe the purpose, scope, and application of the D&D specific requirements detailed
in DOE O 430.1A, Life Cycle Asset Management.
Discuss the process and requirements for disposition of physical assets, including the
specific requirements for contaminated facility disposition.
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