| ![]() DOE-STD-1166-2003
Management, requirements.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Describe the situations that require a safety evaluation to be performed.
Discuss the reasons for performing an unreviewed safety question determination.
Define the conditions for an unreviewed safety question and discuss the actions
required if a USQ is identified.
Describe the responsibilities of contractors authorized to operate defense nuclear
facilities for the performance of safety evaluations.
Describe the action(s) to be taken by a contractor upon identifying information that
indicates a potential inadequacy of previous safety analyses or a possible reduction in
the margin of safety as defined in the technical safety requirements.
Define the following terms:
Accident analyses
Safety evaluation
Technical safety requirements.
15. D&D personnel shall demonstrate working-level knowledge of the technical safety
requirements as described in 10 CFR 830, Subpart B, Nuclear Safety Management,
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Discuss the purpose of technical safety requirements.
Describe the responsibilities of contractors authorized to operate defense nuclear
facilities for technical safety requirements.
Define the following terms and discuss the purpose of each:
Safety limit
Limiting control settings
Limiting conditions for operation
Surveillance requirements.
Describe the process for determining the level of safety documentation (SAR, BIO,
HASP, etc.) required for initiating a D&D project.
Discuss the conditions that constitute a violation of the technical safety requirements
and state the reporting requirements should a violation occur.
16. D&D personnel shall demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge of Department of
public, and the environment including related requirements sufficient to assess the
effectiveness of radioactive material containment, exposure control, and radiological
work practices.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
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