| ![]() DOE-STD-1166-2003
Technical requirements baseline
Ensuring the configuration management and baseline change control processes
are integrated.
32. D&D personnel shall demonstrate a familiarity level knowledge of the requirements
for downgrading security requirements as a facility proceeds through the disposition
DOE Order 470.1, Safeguards and Security Program
DOE Policy 470.1, Integrated Safe guards and Security Management (ISSM) Policy
DOE Manual 474.1-1A, Manual for Control and Accountability of Nuclear Materials.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Describe the process to reduce security controls such as from a Material Access Area
to a Limited Area to a Property Protection Area.
33. D&D personnel shall demonstrate working level knowledge of DOE Order 414.1A,
Quality Assurance.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Discuss the purpose, scope, and application of the listed Order, policies, and circulars.
Include in this discussion key terms, essential elements, and personnel responsibilities
and authorities.
Demonstrate an understanding of quality assurance/quality control as it relates to a
D&D project. Discuss applied use of analytical data, project peer reviews, management
walkthroughs, and self-assessments.
Outline the elements necessary to ensure that the contractor has successfully
implemented a self-assessment program that addresses core safety, environmental,
and health issues of concern.
Outline the value of peer reviews of projects with the contractor team and the oversight
Explain the methodologies for cost and error trending, and root cause analysis.
34. D&D personnel shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of problem analysis
principles and techniques necessary to identify problems, determine potential
causes of the problems, and identify corrective actions(s).
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Describe and explain the application of problem analysis techniques including the
Root Cause Analysis
Causal Factor Analysis
Change Analysis
Barrier Analysis.
Describe and explain the application of the following Root Cause Analysis processes in
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