| ![]() DOE-STD-1166-2003
internal and external stakeholders. Describe several methods for identifying interested
30. D&D personnel shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of the typical limits,
terms, conditions, and practices associated with D&D contracting.
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
For the following contracting methods, 1) discuss the advantages and disadvantages of
each, 2) describe the role of the CO, COR, and DOE Project Manager, and 3) describe
typical terms and conditions for assigning damages.
Cost plus fee
Fixed price
Assets for Value.
Define "government furnished services/items" (GFSI) and how it can impact a D&D
Discuss the importance of formal change control with regard to project management.
Describe the process used to effect a change order to an existing fixed priced contract
and to a cost plus fee contract.
Discuss the scheduling requirements (time required) to initiate a new contract for a D&D
project, and its impact to a project deliverable.
31. D&D personnel shall demonstrate familiarity level knowledge of configuration
management principles required to meet the project's technical and operational
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Using the guidance in DOE-STD-1073-93, Guide for Operational Configuration
Management Program, discuss the System Engineer concept as it applies to oversight
of safety systems. Specifically address the areas of configuration management,
assessment of system status and performance, and the technical support for operation
and maintenance activities or for Documented Safety Analysis reviews.
Discuss the objectives of configuration management.
Describe the following elements of configuration management:
Configuration identification
Configuration control
Configuration recording and reporting
Waivers and deviations.
Discuss the revision process for technical baselines over the life of a project, including
an explanation of the following:
Functional requirements baseline
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