| ![]() DOE-STD-1187-2005
be obtained from the medical record.
2.2. Site Registry Coordinator: A Registry coordinator must be identified at each
DOE site to serve as the point of contact between the site and the Beryllium
Registry Data Center at Oak Ridge. The Registry coordinator is responsible for
coordinating activities at the site related to data collection, submitting data to the
Data Center in a timely manner, receiving inquiries from the Data Center,
contacting appropriate site personnel to resolve data management and collection
issues, and correcting errors. It is expected that the Registry coordinator will
interact with a variety of individuals at the site such as line managers, computer
support personnel, industrial hygienists, and site medical clinic personnel.
2.3. Data Submission:
2.3.1. Each site should define the best file structure and transmitting protocol
for their site, in coordination with the Beryllium Registry Data Center.
All data must be submitted as electronic files. The Data Center is
flexible as to file type and will work with each site individually to
accommodate various computer systems.
2.3.2. All sites should have had, and been using, fully functioning data
submission procedures no later than the 10 CFR 850 implementation
date of January 7, 2002. Initial submissions to the Registry should
have included all available data for all current beryllium-associated
workers at that time.
2.3.3. Data must be submitted semi-annually to the Beryllium Registry Data
Center at the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE).
The reporting periods begin on January 1 and July 1. Data should be
submitted within 30 days of the reporting period to:
The Beryllium Registry Data Center
ORISE Center for Epidemiologic Research
P.O. Box 117
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-0117
ORISE data coordinator: Phil Wallace
(865) 576-3142
(865) 576-9557
2.4. Worker Confidentiality Protection: As indicated in the Beryllium Rule, the
purpose of the Beryllium Registry is to help DOE in its mission to protect
worker health. This can only be done if we know what factors place our
workers at risk for developing sensitization or chronic beryllium disease so that
these risks can be mitigated where possible. The Beryllium Registry contains
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