| ![]() DOE-STD-1187-2005
Work History Questions
Q. Due to security reasons, the job title cannot be provided. Is it acceptable to leave it
A. It is required to have some value here, so a generalization is recommended so the
field is not blank. This will give some indication of what the person was doing to
become identified as a beryllium-associated worker.
Q. The "Job Stop Date" is a required field but if these are current workers, when should
I leave this field blank (null) and when should I populate it?
A. If the worker is currently employed and is currently in the job that identified him/her
as a beryllium-associated worker, then this field is left blank (null), thus indicating the
person still performs this job. However, some sites have indicated that they plan to go
back in their archives and retrieve some older data (i.e., prior to January 7, 2002) and will
submit that to the Registry. The Registry staff is looking forward to this because the
more of these data that can be collected, the more robust the Registry will be. For these
retrospective records, this field will be populated as these workers quit these jobs that
qualified them as beryllium-associated or were moved to other jobs.
Q. Are sites required to retrieve retrospective work history data for beryllium workers?
A. According to the rule, the answer is no, although these data would increase the value
of the Registry and some sites have said they can do this easily and will do so.
Activities and Exposure Table Questions
Q. Again, security concerns arise with combining data from the DOE Activities and
Exposure table, particularly the fields Process, Operation, and Task. What should a site
do in this case?
A. Generalizations are recommended for the values in these fields that allow the
Registry to have data that are as detailed and complete as possible without breaching
security restrictions. Each site has to assess their own situation and develop a data
policy/procedure they are comfortable with, ensuring that security is not compromised.
Q. The Sample Number field can be traced to an individual. To protect confidentiality,
what should a site do?
A. Notice that this field is not required, but some sites asked/recommended that it be
included to make it easier to search samples for specific values or to answer questions
that may arise from these data. Most sites have procedures to maintain confidentiality of
sampled individuals. If a site needs to use some form of encryption, that is acceptable.
This field is there primarily for the site's use.
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