| ![]() DOE-STD-1190-2007
Monitoring Program
Data Element Name
*Site Code
A unique code that identifies the site. Site code
is provided by ORISE Data Center.
*Unique ID
Unique worker identification number associated
with each worker in order to link records. ID to
be determined by site. The unique ID number is
never changed for a worker and is never
reassigned, should a worker leave the workforce.
A worker who leaves the workforce and later
returns should receive his/her original
identification number.
*Monitoring code
Indicates specialized monitoring program in
which an individual may participate (e.g.,
asbestos, beryllium) See Appendix A
*Start date
The date on which the individual was enrolled in
the monitoring program.
*Stop date
The date on which the individual's enrollment in
the monitoring program ended
*Record status
New, Change, Delete. Accepted values: N,C,D
*Data elements marked with an asterisk indicate required fields.*
6.2 Administrative Data: The Illness and Injury Surveillance Program collects
administrative data in order to assess the completeness of reporting from participating
sites on an unscheduled basis. The IISP uses these data only for quality assurance
purposes. These data are not part of routine reporting. Administrative data elements
include beginning and end dates of absences noted as sick leave in Human Resources
time and attendance reporting data. They are compared with illness related absences
reported through the return to work clearance process. The comparison provides an
indication of the completeness of absence ascertainment derived from return to work
clearance data.
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