| ![]() DOE-STD-3007-2007
This standard provides a framework for generating Criticality Safety Evaluations (CSE) supporting
fissionable material operations at Department of Energy (DOE) nonreactor nuclear facilities. This
standard imposes no new criticality safety analysis requirements.
Revision to the standard was undertaken for two primary reasons. First, it provides DOE expectations for
the technical content and analysis practices for CSEs to ensure compliance with the required ANSI/ANS-
8 Standards. Second, it provides the linkage between the CSE process and the Documented Safety
Analysis (DSA) process required by 10 CFR 830 Subpart B. Adherence to this standard ensures that
requirements for CSEs in the ANSI/ANS-8 Standards and DOE Order 420.1B are met.
This standard becomes effective immediately after issuance by DOE and should be implemented as
soon as possible according to established DOE protocols for promulgating changes to orders and
contracts. Rewriting existing CSEs solely to comply with these guidelines is not required.
The same language is used as the ANSI/ANS-8 Standards for differentiating between required
(shall), recommended (should), and acceptable practices (may). To conform to this standard,
criticality evaluation practices shall be performed in accordance with its requirements but not
necessarily with its recommendations.
Guidance for the majority of CSEs supporting production, operations, storage, and deactivation and
decommissioning activities at DOE facilities is included in Section II. Section II provides guidance to
ensure that the analysis supports development of criticality limits and controls to ensure that fissionable
material operations remain subcritical under all normal and credible abnormal conditions.
Guidance for some special CSEs and analyses are included in Section III. These evaluations may
document and analyze existing conditions and controls or they may develop new controls and limits for
special circumstances such as shipping containers, justification for installation or removal of Criticality
Accident Alarm Systems, or for operations with shielding and confinement.
Section IV of this standard provides specific guidance on the linkage between CSEs and the DSA.
DOE's Nuclear Safety Management Rule, 10 CFR 830 Subpart B, requires the preparation of safety
bases, including DSAs and Technical Safety Requirements (TSR), for Hazard Category 1, 2, and 3
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