| ![]() DOE-STD-3007-2007
nuclear facilities. Chapter 3 of a DSA includes identification and analyses of hazards and hazard controls
to provide adequate protection to the public, workers, and the environment. CSEs provide detailed
information that should be reviewed when constructing DSA hazard analysis scenarios. However, while
such scenario entries in the hazard analysis may summarize CSE information, they are expected to be a
"stand-alone" product that does not incorporate CSEs into the DSA.
Section V contains provisions for the implementation of this standard and for surveillances that ensure
that CSEs are reviewed periodically. There is no requirement to reissue or revise existing CSEs that are
fully compliant with the applicable ANSI/ANS-8 Standards solely to meet the expectations of this
revision of Standard 3007.
Finally, the DOE Nuclear Criticality Safety Program (NCSP) developed a tutorial as a training aid for
developing CSEs. It may be found by going to the NCSP website at: http://ncsp.llnl.gov/
The NCS Engineer Training module on CSEs is consistent with the guidance in this standard. It includes
an example CSE that may be useful to the reader of this standard.
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