| ![]() DOE-STD-3007-2007
References, including drawings and operating procedures, may be provided to allow a reviewer the
opportunity to further research the system being evaluated and to verify the accuracy of the descriptive
information provided. References should be specific enough to identify the cited data.
This section and its content are optional and may be included to indicate any unique requirements not
normally associated with DOE CSEs. If any specific technical guidance or requirement is especially
pertinent to the process or CSE it may be cited here for emphasis. There is no need to document Rules,
DOE Orders, or ANSI/ANS Standards that are routinely applicable.
This section of the CSE describes the methodology or methodologies used to establish limits for the
operation being evaluated. Four methods that may be used for the establishment of subcritical limits are:
Reference to national consensus standards that present critical and/or subcritical limits;
Reference to accepted handbooks of critical and/or subcritical limits;
Reference to experiments with appropriate adjustments to ensure subcriticality when the
uncertainties of parameters reported in the experiment documentation are considered; and/or
Use of validated calculational techniques. (Note: One specific example based on validated
calculations that may be used is the Criticality Index (CI) technique useful for setting limits on
commingled arrays of fissile material containers.)
Note that standards and handbooks provide critical data and subcritical limits, which may not include
applied safety margins. The analyst shall4 develop and document margins to be applied to the limits for
the operation being evaluated when using values from referenced standards and handbooks to protect
against uncertainties in process variables and against a limit being accidentally exceeded. When limits
are based on reference documents such as ANSI/ANS-8 Standards, criticality safety handbooks, or
published experimental results, complete and specific references shall2 be cited. The applicability of the
reference data to the operation being evaluated should be discussed.
Calculation methods may include simple hand calculation techniques (e.g., limiting surface density,
density analog), deterministic computer codes (e.g., ANISN or other Sn transport theory codes), and
Monte Carlo computer codes (e.g., MCNP, KENO-V.a). When applicable, nuclear cross-section data
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