| ![]() DOE-STD-3007-2007
The CSE shall1* establish the fact that any proposed fissionable material system or process will remain
subcritical under normal and credible abnormal conditions. This shall2 be done by considering the
amounts and types of fissionable material used in the system or process, establishing controlled
parameters that affect criticality safety, and setting limits on those parameters. The CSE shall3 contain
sufficient detail, clarity, and lack of ambiguity to allow a peer reviewer familiar with the facility and
processes to independently assess the adequacy and accuracy of the CSE.
This section contains guidance for the format and content of CSEs intended for establishing the
subcriticality of fissionable material handling, processing, and storage operations in compliance with
ANSI/ANS-8.1-1998 and supporting ANSI/ANS-8 Standards. The purpose in performing the type of
CSE described in this section is to analyze the criticality hazard associated with a fissionable material
process or system and develop limits and controls to prevent a criticality accident. Content guidance for
the CSE is provided below, arranged by specific topics and section headings. If any heading or content
discussed below is optional, it will be so indicated. The addition of sections and content not discussed
herein that are deemed important by the analyst may be included in the CSE.
The purpose and scope of the evaluation should be stated in this section. Relevant background
information should also be presented here. If the evaluation represents a modification or revision to an
existing evaluation or system then the reason for the change should be clearly stated.
The system or process is described in this section of the CSE. Illustrations and/or graphics may be
provided as needed to provide clarity. Assumptions about the process and scope limitations that impact
the CSE should be stated and justified. Assumptions that apply only to computer modeling should not
be included here but should be presented in Section D below. If the evaluation covers a specific portion
of a system or process or is limited to a particular aspect of a system or process, the potential for
interaction with other aspects or systems should be described as well as references to any related CSEs.
*See Endnotes
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