| ![]() DOE-STD -3009-94
by non-DOE entities.
Assessment Actions
This section summarizes the processes by which the onset of an operational
emergency is recognized. The methodology used to obtain meteorological
information and est imate release rates and source terms needs to be identified.
If computer models are used for consequence assessment, identify the specific
models used and the plume methodologies employed (e.g., Gaussian plume).
This section summarizes the provisions for prompt initial notification of
emergency response personnel and response organizations, including
appropriate DOE elements and other federal, state, tribal, and local
organizations. Summarize the follow-up notification processes, and how
emergency public information is integrated into the emergency management
Emergency Facilities and Equipment
This section summarizes pertinent aspects of emergency facilities (i.e.,
location, function) and equipment (i.e., communication capabilities, hazardous
material detection instrument ranges and types, dosimetry) required to support
the facility emergency responses.
Protective Actions
This section summarizes the protective actions that are required to minimize
the exposure of workers and the public. Discussions should include provisions
made for medical support and decontamination. Important elements of
population evacuations should be summarized including evacuation times,
routes, methods of alerting.
Training and Exercises
This section summarizes the emergency training program, including initial and
annual retraining for all facility emergency response personnel. Include a
summary of the drills and exercises that are an integral part of the emergency
management program. The summary should address the range of different
populations exposed to facility hazards (e.g., public, general facility
population, and facility visitors). Reference, as appropriate, Chapter 12,
"Procedures and Training" if that chapter presents req uested information.
Recovery and Reentry
This section summarizes the provisions for the recovery from an operational
emergency and planned reentry provisions for the affected facility. Indicate
the recovery organization and how the facility will transition from the
emergency response organization to the recovery organization.
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