| ![]() DOE-STD -3009-94
Chapter 16
Provisions for Decontamination and
P U R P O S E . The purpose of this DSA chapter is to provide information that will satisfy
the requirements of 10 CFR 830 to define the characteristics of the provisions for
decontamination and decommissioning necessary to ensure safe operation of the facility.
This chapter describes provisions that facilitate future D&D of a facility. Design of
significant modifications to an existing facility must consider provisions for D&D. This
chapter also contains guidance on the description of the conceptual D&D plan for
existing facilities. Expected products of this chapter, as applicable based on the graded
approach and project mission phase, include:
Description of design features incorporated in major modifications of an existing
facility to facilitate future D&D of the facility.
Description of operational considerations to facilitate future D&D.
Description of conceptual D&D plan.
Existing supporting documentation is to be referenced. Include brief abstracts of
referenced documentation with enough of the salient facts to provide an understanding of
the referenced documentation and its relation to this chapter.
A P P L I C A T I O N O F T H E G R A D E D A P P R O A C H . The need for D&D
provisions are dependent on the magnitude of the hazards and the complexity of the
facility. For facilities whose mission is D&D, which includes deactivation, a DSA that
addresses the safety aspects of the decontamination and decommissioning activities must
be prepared. Discussions can be brief and are limited to summaries of the major features
of the programmatic commitment to the safety basis.
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