| DOE-STD -3009-94
Category 3 facilities. The application of graded approach for TSR designation is,
however, still significant. Hazard Category 2 facilities include process operations that
have traditionally made limited use of TSR limits. These facilities have few scenarios
where one failure directly leads to large hazardous material releases, and therefore do
not warrant a large number of TSRs. Defaulting all controls to TSR coverage will create
a regulatory environment that is difficult to manage and would downplay needed
emphasis on the most significant controls. This could produce a negative impact on
facility safety.
The majority of Hazard Category 2 facilities are not anticipated to need SLs. Even
facilities that designate SLs will not need many. Potential candidates for SL designation
are restricted to those controls that prevent exceeding Evaluation Guidelines. TSRs
assigned for defense in depth and safety-significant SSCs (i.e., not related to meeting
Evaluation Guidelines) will not use SLs. The decision as to whether an operating limit
(such as an LCO) or a TSR administrative control is more appropriate is left to the
judgment of the DSA preparer. If TSR administrative controls are used, descriptions
should be sufficiently detailed that a basic understanding is provided of what is
controlled and why.
For administrative controls designated as specific administrative controls, the DSA
preparer should refer to DOE-STD-1186-2004, "Specific Administrative Controls," for
implementing SACs into TSRs.
This section provides an introduction to the contents of this chapter based on the
graded approach and includes objectives and scope specific to the chapter as
This section lists the design codes, standards, regulations, and DOE Orders that are
required for establishing the safety basis of the facility. The intent is to provide
only the requirements that are specific for this chapter and pertinent to the safety
analysis, and not a comprehensive listing of all industrial standards or codes or
criteria. SRIDs may be referenced as appropriate.
5 . 3 T S R CO V E R A G E
This section provides assurances that TSR coverage for the facility is complete.
The section lists the features identified in Chapters 3 and 4 that are needed to:
Provide significant defense in depth. These features are safety-significant
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