| ![]() DOE-STD -3009-94
SSCs or SACs noted in Section and their associated assumptions
requiring TSR coverage identified in Section 4.4.X.5, and any other TSR
Provide for significant worker safety. These features are safety-
significant SSCs or SACs identified in Section and their
associated assumptions requiring TSR coverage identified in Section
4.4.X.5, and any programs identified as needing coverage in TSR
administrative controls in Section
Provide for significant public safety in accordance with implementation of
the Evaluation Guideline. These features are safety-class SSCs or SACs,
and assumptions requiring TSR coverage identified in Sections 3.4.2.X.5,
and 4.3.X.5.
Presentation of the summary of TSRs could easily become disorganized and
difficult to follow. It is recommended that the information be distilled into an
organized presentation (e.g., table format) that identifies the relevant hazard and
the major features relied on for protection against that hazard. This presentation
will form the basis for organization of the remainder of the chapter. Associated
TSR SLs, LCSs, LCOs, surveillance requirements, administrative controls and
Design Features identified throughout the remainder of the chapter need to be
noted in this presentation for overall clarity.
This subsection will specifically note those safety SSCs listed, if any, that will not
be provided with TSR coverage and provide accompanying explanation.
This section derives basic operational modes (e.g., startup, operation, shutdown)
used by the facility that are relevant to derivation of TSRs. The definition of
modes required in this subsection expands and formalizes the information
provided in Chapter 3, "Hazard and Accident Analyses," regarding operational
conditions associated with accidents.
Note: This information can be organized by the hazard protected against, the
specific features or even actual TSRs if desired. The choice of a specific method of
organization is left to the discretion of the DSA preparer. The following format is
repeated sequentially for each TSR ("X").
5.5.X [Applicable Hazard/Feature/TSR "X"]
This subsection identifies the specific feature(s) listed in Section 5.3 and the
relevant modes of operation.
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