| ![]() DOE-STD -3009-94
only incidental use and generation of radioactive materials or radiation such as check and
calibration sources, use of radioactive sources in research and experimental and analytical
laboratory activities, electron microscopes, and X-ray machines. [10 CFR 830]
Nuclear facility. A reactor or a nonreactor nuclear facility where an activity is
conducted for or on behalf of DOE and includes any related area, structure, facility, or
activity to the extent necessary to ensure proper implementation of the requirements
established by 10 CFR 830. [10 CFR 830]
Process Safety Management (PSM). A process or activity involving the application of
management principles as defined in 29 CFR 1910.119, "Process Safety Management of
High Hazardous Chemicals."
Programmatic. Reference to facility specific programs or site-wide programs necessary
to ensure the safe operation of a facility. Radiation protection, hazardous material
protection, quality assurance, training, document control, and emergency preparedness are
examples of programs that provide programmatic controls to ensure safe operations.
Preventive feature. Any structure, system, or component that serves to prevent the
release of hazardous material in an accident scenario. [DOE-STD-1027]
Public. All individuals outside the DOE site boundary.
probability that an event will occur and the consequences of that event.
Safety analysis. A documented process: (1) to provide systematic identification of
hazards within a given DOE operation; (2) to describe and analyze t he adequacy of the
measures taken to eliminate, control, or mitigate identified hazards; and (3) to analyze
and evaluate potential accidents and their associated risks.
Safety basis. The documented safety analysis and hazard controls that provide
reasonab le assurance that a DOE nuclear facility can be operated safely in a manner that
adequately protects workers, the public, and the environment. [10 CFR 830]
Safety-class structures, systems, and components (SC SSCs). Structures, systems, or
components including portions of process systems, whose preventive and mitigative
function is necessary to limit radioactive hazardous material exposure to the public, as
determined from the safety analyses. [10 CFR 830]
Safety limits (SLs). Limits on process variables associated with those safety-class
physical barriers, generally passive, that are necessary for the intended facility functions
and which are required to guard against the uncontrolled release of radioactive materials.
[10 CFR 830]
Safety-significant structures, systems, and components (SS SSCs). Structures, systems,
and components which are not designated as safety-class SSCs but whose preventive or
mitigative function is a major contributor to defense in depth and/or worker safety as
determined from safety analyses. [10 CFR 830]
As a general rule of thumb, safety-significant SSC designations based on worker safety
are limited to those systems, structures, or components whose failure is estimated to
result in a prompt worker fatality or serious injuries or significant radiological or
chemical exposures to workers. The term, serious injuries, as used in this definition,
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