| ![]() DOE-STD -3009-94
refers to medical treatment for immediately life-threatening or permanently disabling
injuries (e.g., loss of eye, loss of limb).
The general rule of thumb cited above is neither an evaluation guideline nor a quantitative
criterion. It represents a lower threshold of concern for which safety-significant SSC
designation may be warranted. Estimates of worker consequences for the purpose o f
safety-significant SSC designation are not intended to require detailed analytical modeling.
Considerations should be based on engineering judgment of possible effects and the
potential added value of safety-significant SSC designation. [DOE G 420.1-1]
[Note: Safety-significant SSC as used in this Standard distinguishes a specific category
of SSCs other than safety-class SSCs. It should not be confused with the generic
modifier "safety significant" used in DOE orders.]
Safety structures, systems, and components (safety SSCs). The set of safety-class
structures, systems, and components, and safety-significant structures, systems, and
components for a given facility. [10 CFR 830]
Site boundary. A well- marked boundary of the property over which the owne r and
operator can exercise control without the aid of outside authorities.
For the purpose of implementing this Standard, the DOE site boundary is a geographic
boundary within which public access is controlled and activities are governed by DOE
and its contractors, and not by local authorities. A public road traversing a DOE site is
considered to be within the DOE site boundary if, when necessary, DOE or the site
contractor has the capability to control the road during accident or emergency
Standard industrial hazards. Hazards that are routinely encountered in general industry
and construction, and for which national consensus codes and/or standards (e.g., OSHA,
transportation safety) exist to guide safe design and operation without the need for special
analysis to design safe design and/or operational parameters.
Specific administrative control (SAC). An administrative control is designated as a SAC
if (1) it is identified in the documented safety analysis as a control needed to prevent or
mitigate an accident scenario, and (2) it has a safety function that would be safety-
significant or safety-class if the function were provided by an SSC.
Technical safety requirements (TSRs). The limits, controls, and related actions that
establish the spec ific parameters and requisite actions for the safe operation of a nuclear
facility and include, as appropriate for the work and the hazards identified in the
documented safety analysis for the facility: Safety limits, operating limits, surveillance
requirements, administrative and management controls, use and application provisions,
and design features, as well as a bases appendix. [10 CFR 830]
To satisfy the intent of this Standard, he administrative equivalent of TSRs should also be
assigned for the cond itions, the safe boundaries, and the management of administrative
controls necessary to ensure the safe operation of the facility and to reduce the potential
risk to the public and facility workers from uncontrolled releases of nonradiological
hazardous ma terial or energy. Such equivalents designated for control of nonradiological
hazards are considered as important to safety as radiological TSRs, and are needed to
satisfy the overall process outlined in this Standard for controlling the broad spectrum of
hazards in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 830. Distinguishing between the
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