| DOE-STD-3020-2005
rated airflow shall be marked clearly and indelibly on the case of the filter unit
tested. The FTF may advise the purchaser to request the manufacturer to
supply evidence of compliance with qualifications tests and materials
requirements of the specification. Failure to meet inspection, test, or
verification requirements shall be cause for rejection of the filter(s). After the
testing and inspection is completed, each filter will bear a FTF test label
indicating acceptance or rejection.
Packaging, Shipping and Storage: Packaging, shipping, and storage shall be in
accordance with ASME AG-1 and ASME NQA-1, Level B requirements. Filter
containers shall be designed so that they can be opened and the filter removed without
damage to the container or the filter and, that the container can be reused for shipment
to alternate destinations. It is recommended that sturdy wooden crates with the
lid/top secured with removable screws or lag bolts be used for packaging. When
shipping small packages, Styrofoam "peanuts" or shredded material should not be
used as this creates handling problems. Barrier and wrap materials shall be non-
corrosive and shall not be otherwise harmful to packaged filters. Filters with
gelatinous seals shall be packaged in a manner so as to prevent contact with or
contamination of the gelatinous seal during transport or un-packaging.
Preparation for Delivery: The purchaser's shipping instructions shall specify that
HEPA filter cartons be crated or placed on a pallet to minimize unit handling,
particularly at public carrier interchange points. Plywood shall be securely fastened to
the sides and top of the palletized filter cartons. Filters should not be stacked more
than three (3) high. For large shipments, it is recommended that the entire shipment
be shipped in a sealed, dedicated trailer or rail car. At all times the filters shall be
handled with care and properly orientated.
Shipping: HEPA filters to be tested by the DOE designated FTF shall be shipped to
the address below, freight prepaid, as agreed to by the purchaser and the
Air Techniques International
Filter Test Facility
1708 Whitehead Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21207
Reshipment: Following satisfactory completion of inspections and tests specified in
Section 6.2, the FTF shall repack the tested filters in a manner comparable to the
received packaging, and forward them to the address specified by the purchaser
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