| DOE-TSL-2-2006
Federal and military standardization documents. Copies of Federal and
military specifications, standards, handbooks, and Commercial Item Descriptions
are available from:
Defense Printing Service Detachment Office (DPSDO)
Document Automation and Production Service
Building 4/Section D
700 Robbins Avenue
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19111-5094
Assistance with orders may be available by calling (215) 697-6396. Information
on ordering Federal and military standardization documents can also be obtained
at the Internet address (URL) listed below:
Definitions of key terms used in this TSL are defined as follows:
Department of Energy Standards Index. The index of all DOE
standardization documents including those non-Government standards (also
referred to as "voluntary" standards) that have been adopted for use by DOE and
other Government documents that are identified in published DOE directives for
use in a manner similar to non-Government standards and DOE Technical
Standards. This document is designated DOE-TSL-1 and is maintained by the
Technical Standards Program Office.
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