| ![]() DOE-TSL-4-2006
1.1 Purpose. Public Law (PL) 104-113 [15 USC 272(b), March 7, 1996], The National Technology
Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995, and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular
A-119 (OMB A-119), Federal Participation in the Development and Use of Voluntary
Consensus Standards and in Conformity Assessment Activities, describe the policy of the Federal
Government regarding (a) adoption and use of voluntary (i.e., non-Government) standards in lieu
of developing Government (i.e., DOE) standards, and (b) participation of Government
employees in the activities of non-Government standards bodies. The policy outlined in PL 104-
113 and OMB A-119 is reflected in DOE Order 252.1, Technical Standards Program. As
discussed in DOE O 252.1, participation by Department employees and contractors in the
activities on non-Government standards bodies is encouraged. DOE participation in the
standards-related activities of non-Government standards bodies provides incentives and
opportunities to establish standards that serve national needs. Adoption and use of non-
Government standards, where appropriate, eliminates the costs associated with developing DOE
PL 104-113 and OMB A-119 require DOE and other Federal agencies to provide periodic reports
on agency participation in non-Government standards activities. This technical standards list
(TSL) is intended to assist DOE management and other personnel involved in the DOE
Technical Standards Program by identifying those participating individuals.
1.2 Information included in this TSL. The body of this document contains a listing of DOE
employees and DOE contractors who have submitted form DOE F 1300.2, Record of Non-
Government Standards Activity, or similar suitable notification. The URL where form DOE F
1300.2 may be found is provided at the end of this document. Additional names were added
from rosters supplied by non-Government standards bodies. The committees or governing
bodies in which the person participates is listed after each name. An asterisk (*) preceding the
committee notation indicates that the person has identified himself or herself as the DOE
representative on that committee. Appendices to this document are also provided to sort the
information by the parent employment organization, by non-Government standards activity, and
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