| ![]() DOE-DP-STD-3016-99
(3) characterization of potential hazard scenarios including identification and development of
facility- and activity-based safety controls and requirements that prevent and/or mitigate ND,
HED/D, fire, severe worker injury, or dispersal of hazardous and/or fissile materials;
(4) justification for the disposition of all identified hazards and hazard scenarios (i.e., those
determined to require further analysis and those determined not to pose a safety concern);
(5) discussion of reliability and effectiveness of controls;
(6) bases for Technical Safety Requirements (TSRs) and other safety commitments; and
(7) discussion of assumptions employed in the conduct of the HA, including justification of the
screening criteria used in the selection of accident scenarios and controls.
DOE prescribes the use of a graded approach to guide the conduct and depth of the HA based on the
complexity of the operation and potential consequences of the activities being performed. The format,
content, and level of detail presented in the associated safety documentation should be tailored to
produce manageable and safety-effective information, which will provide assurance to DOE that a
NEO and its associated activities are safe. Supporting safety analyses and related safety information
should be documented, traceable, and auditable. Information not available in referenceable documents
should be included in the HAR or its supporting documentation.
The planning and scheduling of efforts to prepare, review, approve, and update HARs shall be
managed by the responsible DOE operations office. In addition, the planning process should assign
organizational responsibilities and identify organizational points of contact.
DOE O 452.1A requires an approved HAR and SAR prior to authorization of a NEO. The SAR
documents the safety basis for the facilities in which the NEO is performed while the HAR documents
the activity-specific safety basis for the NEO and associated activities. For facilities or activities
lacking an approved SAR, the expectation is that operation-specific HAs would include the safety
analysis of those facilities and activities in support of the proposed NEO comparable to the level of
analysis required by DOE O 5480.23, DOE-STD-3009-94, or DOE-STD-3011-94.
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