| ![]() DOE-DP-STD-3016-99
The scope of the HA must match the full scope of operations for which DOE authorization is sought.
The HA must consider the operational processes, equipment, facility or facilities, operation-unique
activities related to movements within or between facilities, and the specific locations where the
activities are to be conducted.
The HA consists of a systematic evaluation of the hazardous materials, energy sources, and hazards
associated with the NEO that could lead to serious injury to workers, damage to the environment, and
adverse effects to the health and safety of the public. The primary focus of the HA is to evaluate all
hazards that could lead to ND, HED/D, and fire which result in dispersal of fissile material from the
pit of a nuclear explosive. This evaluation should ensure that all potential operational and facility
hazards are addressed and that process-specific and common-facility controls applicable to the NEO
are identified.
The HAR is not required to include a quantitative consequence assessment of all accidents. However,
some qualitative consequence assessments may be required to support evaluation of facility safety
basis issues.
Offsite transportation of nuclear explosives is addressed in a transportation SAR prepared in
accordance with the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Military Application and Stockpile Management
Transportation SAR (TSAR) Guidance which has been incorporated into DOE O 461.X,
SECURITY INTEREST." The transportation SAR and the Over-the-Road Nuclear Explosive Safety
Study (NESS) Master Study provide documentation of the safety analysis of offsite nuclear explosive
transportation operations. Offsite transportation is excluded from the scope of a HA for a specific
NEO. However, a HA prepared in accordance with this standard must address onsite transportation.
The safety of nuclear explosive operations overlaps with both environmental regulations and
occupational safety and health regulations. Compliance with Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
rules or Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations are not within the scope
of the HA. Compliance with EPA rules is addressed in separate analyses and documentation and is
assessed through facility-specific Integrated Safety Management Programs. Routine occupational or
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