| ![]() DOE-DP-STD-3016-99
and any process-specific safety requirements necessary to implement the NESR must be documented
in the HAR. In addition to an evaluation of NESRs, the HAR shall contain an evaluation and
identification of worker safety and other protection measures including Operational Safety Controls
(OSCs) for non-NES NEO-specific hazards. OSCs formalize the implementation of safety controls
that address accident scenarios with the potential to lead to severe worker injury, public, or
environmental consequences other than those caused by ND, HED/D, or fire.
Institutional safety plans and programs provide facility/site nuclear safety and nuclear explosive safety
commitments relating to the implementation of criticality safety, radiation protection, hazardous
material protection, conduct of operations, etc. These facility nuclear safety and nuclear explosive
safety commitments provide facility/site specific administrative and operational controls for all general
and common nuclear explosive operations. HARs should document that these institutional safety
plans and programs meet the control requirements and are applicable to the specific NEOs. In
particular, the HAR should supplement the institutional safety chapters of the SAR by identifying
process-specific control requirements. If there are no unique controls or programmatic requirements
for the specific operation, the HAR should provide a statement to that effect.
Integrating the HA with the operation development enables safety considerations to be incorporated
into the operation design. Therefore, when possible, HAs should be conducted during, and integrated
with, process design and development in order to identify and evaluate potential modifications to the
operations, equipment, and administrative controls.
The responsibility for conducting the HA and preparing the HAR shall be assigned to an experienced
HA team. The size and composition of the team depend on the combination, magnitude and type of
hazards involved, the nuclear explosive, and the complexity of the operation being evaluated. To be
effective, the team must include a combination of safety analysis and subject matter experts familiar
with the specific NEO being analyzed.
The HA shall include a systematic evaluation of the operation to identify hazards and develop potential
hazard scenarios. Throughout the entire evaluation process the HAR team will identify controls that
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