| ![]() DOE-DP-STD-3016-99
industrial safety issues are dealt with through OSHA compliance efforts. Routine workplace hazards
are addressed in HAs only insofar as they may become accident initiators.
The HA is not required to address deliberate unauthorized acts which are addressed under the
NUCLEAR WEAPONS." The HA should address situations where security and use control positive
measures might adversely impact nuclear explosive safety so that they can be addressed in an
appropriate manner.
The facility safety analysis provides a description of the facility, identification of facility and site
hazards that might pose a threat to the NEO, and the derivation of facility safety controls. The SAR
identifies the bounding accident consequences for the facility(ies) in which the NEOs are conducted.
The HA uses the facility safety analysis information in its evaluation of the applicability and
effectiveness of the facility and site safety controls relied on to prevent accidents and mitigate
Absent the existence of a facility SAR prepared in accordance with DOE O 5480.23 (or
DOE O 425.1), comparable facility safety basis information must be developed through the activity-
specific HA process. The HA should ensure that potential facility hazards to the NEO are addressed
and common facility controls supporting the HAR objectives are identified. In addition, the HA may
identify the need for additional facility TSR level controls.
Per DOE O 452.2A and DOE-STD-3015-97, the HAR is an input to the NESS Group (NESSG)
deliberations. Therefore, the HAR should provide sufficient information to support the NESSG
evaluation of a proposed NEO to ensure that there are adequate positive measures to minimize the
possibility of unintended nuclear detonation, high-explosive detonation or deflagration, or fire, thus,
ensuring that the three NES standards in DOE O 452.2A are met.
Nuclear Explosive Safety Rules (NESRs) are intended to be the highest level of safety requirements
for hazard scenarios that have the potential for ND, HED/D, or fire resulting in fissile material
dispersal. NESRs are approved concurrently with approval of the NESSG report. However, NESRs
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