| ![]() DOE-DP-STD-3016-99
controls, the establishment of their functional requirements and performance criteria, and the
basis for the derivation of safety requirements for the operation. The justification for the
disposition of all identified hazards and hazard scenarios including the basis for nuclear
explosive response assumptions, criteria for screening hazard scenarios, and the use of nuclear
explosive response thresholds should be well documented.
A summary listing of safety controls required to safely conduct the described NEO including
their description, safety function, bases, functional requirement, and performance criteria. This
discussion should address the effectiveness and reliability of identified controls and interfaces
with the site/facility-level safety programs. The discussion should also demonstrate that
institutional safety commitments address operational hazards and accidents.
A listing of the requirements that ensure the safety controls are in place, properly configured, and
maintained. These requirements include facility- and process-specific TSRs, process-specific
administrative controls, process-specific requirements for facility safety management programs,
and process-specific requirements to implement NESRs.
Following DOE approval, HARs for ongoing operations, such as those supporting the enduring
stockpile, must be kept up to date by the responsible organization. The HAR must be maintained by
conducting annual reviews and updated, as necessary, using the documented NEO changes which have
been approved under a DOE-approved change control process. The need for HAR updates to reflect
new information of safety significance should be determined by the responsible operations manager to
maintain the HAR as a living document in accordance with the concepts described in DOE O 5480.21
and DOE O 5480.23.
Annual HAR reviews and updates shall consider, as a minimum:
lessons learned,
cumulative changes that have been made in the operation(s), the facility(ies), and institutional
safety management programs since the last HAR update, and
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