| ![]() DOE-DP-STD-3016-99
The HA must identify the safety control requirements and bases required for the NEO. For these
control requirements, the HAR should include supporting analysis and documentation prepared in
accordance with DOE O 5480.22 and its supporting standards.
The HAR documents the HA of a NEO and associated activities. Site-specific HAR handbooks
discuss the conduct of the analyses, analytical methodology and techniques, derivation of controls, and
the format and content of HARs. As a minimum, the HAR shall include:
An executive summary that provides an overview of the HAR and its main conclusions.
An introduction that provides a discussion of: the objectives, scope of the analysis, the
operations conducted, and the limitations and assumptions employed in the HA.
A description of the nuclear explosive and its intrinsic hazards.
A description of the NEO and the facility(ies) where the operation is to be conducted. The
discussion should focus on the facility and nuclear explosive configurations and processes
including equipment and tooling. The discussion should also include interfaces between the
operation and facility having safety implications. Generic safety controls utilized during the
operation should be discussed.
A discussion of the methodology used to conduct the HA and derive safety controls and safety
A summary of the identification of hazards and potential hazard scenarios under normal and
abnormal conditions considering both internal and external environments for each step in the
A discussion of the development, characterization, and evaluation of the hazard scenarios that
could lead to ND, HED/D, fire, severe worker injury, damage to the environment, or other
significant offsite consequences. This evaluation shall support the identification of safety
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