| DOE-EM-STD-5503-94
Critique of response and prevention procedures;
PPE and emergency equipment;
Site topography and layout;
Incident reporting procedures;
List of local emergency response contacts; and
Potential worst case weather by season.
Additional information regarding the ERP is contained in Chapter 11.
1.2.12. Emergency Action Plan
If employees are expected to evacuate the site and not participate in emergency response
activities, the site must have an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) in accordance with requirements of
29 CFR 1910.38(a).
The EAP to be included in the site-specific HASP shall, at a minimum, address:
Emergency escape procedures and route assignments;
Procedures to be followed by personnel who stay behind to conduct critical operations
before they evacuate;
Procedures to account for all employees after evacuation;
Rescue and medical duties for assigned personnel;
Names and phone numbers of personnel and organizations to be contacted for further
Description of the alarm procedures used to alert personnel of emergency and evacuation
EAP training requirements and methods to evaluate employee knowledge of the plan, and
Procedures and frequency for rehearsal, review, and update of the plan.
Additional information regarding the Emergency Action Plan is contained in Chapter 12.
1.2.13. Confined Space Entry
The confined space entry procedures for the EM-40 HASP Guidelines are derived from 29 CFR
1910.146, American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Recommendation Z117.1-1989, and
applicable DOE orders.
The confined space entry program portion of the site-specific HASP shall, at a minimum, address:
Personnel duties and responsibilities;
Identification, posting and evaluation of confined spaces on site;
Hazard controls (engineering, administrative and PPE);
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