| DOE-EM-STD-5503-94
Safe work practices and/or SOPs, and
Location of nearest medical assistance.
Additional information on site control is contained in Chapter 9.
1.2.10. Decontamination
29 CFR 1910.120(k) does not contain specific procedural development requirements in the area
of decontamination. The working group has adopted the methodology presented in the U. S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) document titled "Standard Operating Safety Guide"
(SOSG). The SOSG establishes the decontamination layout and required procedures based on the
level of PPE used at the site.
The decontamination elements contained in the site-specific HASP shall, at a minimum, include:
Location and layout of decontamination stations and areas;
Decontamination methods;
Required decontamination equipment;
SOPs to minimize worker contact with contaminants during decontamination;
SOPs for decontamination line personnel; and
Procedures for collection, storage and disposal of clothing, equipment and any other
materials that have not been completely decontaminated.
Additional information on decontamination is contained in Chapter 10.
1.2.11. Emergency Response/Contingency Plan
The site management must develop and implement an Emergency Response Plan (ERP) in
accordance with requirements of 29 CFR 1910.120(l), if the employees at an EM-40 site are
expected to respond to emergencies at that site.
The ERP to be included in the site-specific HASP shall, at a minimum, address:
Pre-emergency planning;
Personnel roles, responsibilities, and lines of communication;
Emergency recognition, preparedness drills, and follow-up procedures;
Safe distances and places of refuge;
Site security and control;
Evacuation routes and procedures;
Decontamination procedures that are not covered in the site-specific HASP;
Emergency medical treatment and first aid;
Emergency alerting and response procedures;
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