| DOE-EM-STD-5503-94
What could happen?
Types of chemicals on site;
Potential for fire, explosion, and release of hazardous substances;
Location of all personnel on site relative to hazardous areas; and
Potential for danger to offsite population or environment.
What can be done?
Equipment and personnel resources needed for victim rescue and hazard mitigation;
Number of uninjured personnel available for response;
Resources available on site;
Resources available from outside groups and agencies;
Time for outside resources to reach the site; and
Hazards involved in rescue and response.
11.10.3. Rescue/Response Action
Based on the available information, the type of action required should be determined and the
necessary steps implemented. Some actions may be done concurrently. No one should attempt
emergency response or rescue until back-up personnel and evacuation routes have been
identified. Rescue/response actions include:
Enforce the buddy system;
At all times, retain personnel in the Exclusion Zone in line-of-sight or communications
contact with the Command Post Supervisor or designee;
Locate all victims and assess their condition;
Determine resources needed for stabilization and transport;
Assess existing and potential hazards to site personnel and to the offsite population;
Allocate onsite personnel and equipment to rescue and incident response operations;
Contact the needed offsite personnel or facilities, such as the ambulance, fire department,
and police;
Bring the hazardous situation under complete or temporary control, and use measures to
prevent the spread of the emergency;
Remove or assist victims from the area;
Use established procedures to decontaminate uninjured personnel in the Contamination
Reduction Zone, or if the emergency makes this area unsafe, establish a new
decontamination area at an appropriate distance;
Administer any medical procedures that are necessary to stabilize victims before moving;
Stabilize or permanently fix the hazardous condition, and attend to the cause of the
emergency and anything damaged or endangered by the emergency;
Take measures to minimize contamination of the victims, transport vehicle(s) and
ambulance and hospital personnel; and
Move site personnel to a safe distance upwind of the incident, monitor the incident for
significant changes, and take additional actions to protect personnel, if necessary.
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