| DOE-EM-STD-5503-94
Training of personnel in emergency treatment such as first aid and CPR,
Establishing liaison with local medical personnel,
Informing and educating local medical personnel about site-specific hazards, and
Establishing onsite emergency first-aid stations.
Requirements should be established for developing procedures which alert onsite personnel to
the emergency, activate the onsite emergency response team, and establish the actions to be taken
by emergency response personnel. Procedures contained in this section should comply with
requirements for employee alarm systems as specified at 29 CFR 1910.165. If physically
impaired individuals are employed at the site, alternate alarm methods may be necessary.
11.10.1. Notification
When notifying onsite emergency response personnel, all available information on the incident
should be provided. This may include:
Time of occurrence,
Description of incident (including contaminants involved),
Injuries or fatalities,
Extent of damage,
Actions taken, and
Identified response needs.
11.10.2. Evaluation of the Situation
As quickly as possible, available information about the incident and emergency response
capabilities should be evaluated by the Facility Emergency Coordinator and the Emergency
Response Team. The following information should be determined, to the extent possible:
What happened:
Type of incident;
Cause of incident;
Extent of chemical release and transport; and
Extent of damage to structures, equipment, and terrain.
Victims (number, location, and condition);
Treatment required; and
Missing personnel.
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