| ![]() DOE-EM-STD-5503-94
The toxicological/radiological properties of the substance,
The physical state of the substance,
The quantity and rate of release,
The method of release,
The atmospheric conditions, and
Local topography.
Onsite refuges should be identified and provided with proper equipment for localized
emergencies not requiring site evacuation. Examples of equipment a refuge might contain are:
Water for decontamination,
Communications network with site emergency operations center,
Emergency personal protection equipment,
First-aid supplies,
Required special monitoring devices, and
Fire extinguisher.
In an emergency, the Facility Emergency Coordinator should ascertain who is on site, and
control the entry of personnel into hazardous areas. In an emergency, as in daily work activities,
the site should be divided into three areas: Exclusion Zone, Contamination Reduction Zone, and
Support Zone. Only necessary rescue and response personnel should be allowed into the
Exclusion Zone. A personal locator system should be used to locate all personnel on site.
Checkpoints (or a series of checkpoints) should be established through which all personnel
entering or exiting the emergency site should pass. Checkpoint information should include:
Name (affiliation),
Time of entry/exit,
Zones or areas to be entered,
Tasks to be performed, and
Protective equipment worn and air time remaining.
Primary and alternate routes should be established for evacuating victims and endangered
personnel. Routes should be directed from the Exclusion Zone, through an upwind
Contamination Reduction Corridor to a Support Zone, then to an offsite location.
The following guidelines should be used to assist in establishing safe emergency evacuation
routes and developing procedures for their use:
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