| DOE-EM-STD-5503-94
Hazard assessment is a methodology used to identify inherent or potential hazards which may be
encountered in the work environment associated with accomplishing a job. At a minimum, the
hazard assessment shall include the following steps:
Identification of an operation or job to be assessed,
Break down of the job or operation,
Identification of the hazards associated with each task, and
Determination of the necessary controls for the hazards.
Other more detailed hazard assessment procedures are also acceptable. More specific information
on the hazard assessment process is contained in Chapter 3.
1.2.4. Training
In 29 CFR 1910.120(e) different levels of training are required, depending on the task to be
performed. Training for EM-40 employees and contractors at EM-40 hazardous waste sites
exceeds these requirements, as specified by the EM memorandum in Appendix D.
The training program (40 hour offsite and 3 day onsite supervision), at a minimum, shall address:
Key personnel responsible for site safety and health;
Safety, health and other hazards present on site;
Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE);
Safe work practices and site Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs);
Safe use of onsite engineering controls and equipment;
Medical surveillance program requirements, including signs/symptoms of overexposure;
Site decontamination procedures;
Site emergency response/action plan;
Confined space entry procedures; and
Site spill containment program/procedures.
Management and supervisors, as identified in the Key Personnel section, will receive an additional
8 hours of training as specified in 29 CFR 1910.120(e)(4).
Additionally, 29 CFR 1910.120 (b)(4)(iii) specifies that a pre-entry briefing be given to each site
worker, manager, supervisor and/or any other individual associated with the site. Documentation
of these briefings shall be maintained at the site command post.
Additional information on training requirements is contained in Chapter 4 and Appendix C.
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