| ![]() DOE-EM-STD-5503-94
1.2.5. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Careful selection and use of PPE is essential to protect the health and safety of workers. The
purpose of PPE is to shield or isolate workers from the chemical, physical, radiological, and
biological hazards that may be encountered at the site.
The PPE program contained in the site-specific HASP shall, at a minimum, address:
PPE selection based on site hazards;
PPE use and limitations;
Work mission duration;
Maintenance and storage;
Decontamination and disposal;
Training and proper fitting;
Donning and doffing procedures;
Inspection procedures prior to, during, and after use;
Effectiveness evaluation procedures; and
Limitations due to temperature extremes, and other appropriate medical and physical
Additional information on PPE is contained in Chapter 5.
1.2.6. Temperature Extremes
Limitations due to temperature extremes often result in the necessity to modify work schedules,
work hours or otherwise reduce the time employees shall spend in chemically protective clothing.
Chapter 6 is devoted to hazards relating to temperature extremes; it provides guidance on how to
make these determinations and evaluate the potential for temperature related disorders or
conditions. Chapter 7 provides guidance on medical surveillance procedures. The temperature
extreme program, should, at a minimum address:
Identification of potential hazards early in the planning phase of the development and
operation of required contingency plans.
Proper monitoring of worker physiology.
Implementation of preventive measures and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) early
in the operations so that sound worker practices are developed and followed.
Proper initial training of workers to recognize the symptoms of temperature extreme
related disorders or conditions in themselves and their fellow workers.
Implementation of a "buddy system", and
Proper acclimatization of all workers to new or changing work conditions.
Additional information on temperature extremes can be found in Chapter 6.
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