| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
7.0 Application Examples; Seismic Release Example
leakpath factor for the airborne surface contamination than would be the case for
static glovebox conditions.
The worst-case condition in terms of MAR is for the two plutonium peroxide feed
tanks (tanks 13 and 14) to be full (11,650 g Pu each) and to be the tanks that fail.
The release phenomena is conservatively estimated as a free-fall spill of 3 m or less.
As previously noted, these solutions are not considered concentrated heavy metal
solutions by the simple definition assigned in this handbook. The ARF and RF values
assessed to be bounding for free-fall spill of aqueous solutions are 2E-4 and 0.5
(subsection, making the initial respirable source term from such an event:
23,300 * 1.0 * 2E-4 * 0.5 = 2.3 g
C. 0.3g Event with Partial Collapse. For this event, two to four process solution
tanks are assumed to fail. The two tanks with the next largest MAR values are the
ion exchange eluate tanks (tanks 7 and 8), each of which can hold 5800 g by
flowsheet parameters or 6500 g by procedural limit. It would be very unusual to
have these tanks and the peroxide feed tanks full at the same time. The process
would be backed up because the destination of the ion exchange eluate tank material
as it exits the next process, eluate evaporation, is the peroxide precipitation feed
tanks. However, if this condition existed, the maximum initial respirable source term
for process tank failures increases to 3.6 g of plutonium.
The partial collapse assumption, however, entails significant additional damage to the
facility. This damage will be examined by major process, starting with the vessel
vent system. Significant plutonium accumulations are not present in the vessel vent
system. The hazard identification estimates were 30 g of plutonium in liquid form,
and from 5 to 20 g of plutonium as a solid in each of the three major tanks. It would
be conservative to consider the 30 g estimated as aqueous liquid that experiences a
free-fall spill with ARF and RF of 2E-4 and 0.5 (subsection
The solid material is unlikely to spill as it is adhering to the raschig rings at the
bottom of the tanks, but that same adherence makes it an unlikely candidate for
shock-vibration release. The ARF and RF for this circumstance will be small. Given
the limited amount of material, the shock-vibration ARF and RF of 1E-3 and 1.0
(subsection will be used solely for the purpose of proceeding with
computation. If 20 g of solid plutonium are assumed present in each tank, the
maximum initial respirable source term is:
(90 * 1.0 * 2E-4 * 1.0) + (60 * 1.0 * 1E-3 * 1.0) = 8E-2 g
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