| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
4.0 Solids; Powders
The bounding ARFs and RFs for the response of the three categories of powders established
to thermal stress are:
nonreactive compound
reactive compounds (except fluorides)
plutonium fluoride
4.4.2 Explosive Stress: Shock, Blast, and Venting
The effects of shock upon powders of interest in the nuclear industry (dry ceramic oxides,
chemically reactive compounds) are not well defined. Blast effects from both detonations
and deflagrations are assumed to result in the entrainment of powders without substantial
subdivision of the finer fractions (the relaxation time of a particle 10 m in diameter is
3E-4 second and the particle would most probably be entrained rather than fragmented) that
are the primary concern for inhalation. Fragmentation of the coarser fraction with adequate
momentum upon impact or chemical reactions for reactive compounds are possible. The
primary entrainment mechanism is assumed to be the accelerated gas velocity resulting from
the blast effects; that is, the suspension of powders by the impact of air at velocities greater
than those normally associated with aerodynamic entrainment under non-accident conditions
(e.g., suspension by air velocities used for ventilation and exhaust and by ambient outdoor
winds). Two types of aerodynamic entrainment of powders are found: aerodynamic
entrainment from homogenous beds (beds of powder greater than two particle diameters
deep) and aerodynamic entrainment of sparse particles contamination from a heterogeneous
surface (i.e., a hard, unyielding surface). The former is covered here and in section 4.4.4
and the latter is discussed in section 5.3.4.
Shock Effects
Gerrard (1963) reported the detection of a velocity component towards the surface from
detonation that appeared to pass through powder on the surface and was reflected by the
surface. If such is the case, it would be anticipated that powder could be suspended by the
reflected wave. The effects of explosion on battlefield dust generation have been reported
(Long, Mason and Durst, September 1984; Strange and Rooke, November 1988). The latter
study was an extensive survey covering some 550 tests involving both uncased (bare) charges
and munitions on or near the surface with TNT equivalent up to 1 x 106 kg but primarily
focused on methods to estimate crater characteristics (Strange and Rooke, November 1988).
Estimates of the mass of soil lofted (dislodged) from the crater averaged 150 kg/(kg TNT
equivalent)0.84 and are reasonably consistent with the amount of soil dislodged in Long,
Mason and Durst (September 1984).
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