| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
4.0 Solids; Powders
Long, Mason and Durst (September 1984) conducted a series of tests using spherical charges
of C-4 explosive on the soil surface with TNT equivalent ranging from 3.4 kg to 11.3 kg.
The tests were performed at two sites with sandy clay and sandy clay-sandy soil. Moisture
content ranged for one site from 6.7% to 26.7% (tests performed after a light rain) and from
7.2% to 14.9% at the second site. The soil size distributions ranged to 7.5 mm and 1.2 mm
for the sites (sieve analysis) but were not designated by site. The bulk density of the soils
ranged 1.23 to 1.94. If a common theoretic density of 3 g/cm3 is assumed for the soil, the
fraction <10 m AED would range from 0.24 to 0.26 and the fraction <100 micrometer
AED would range from 0.42 to 0.50. High volume samplers at various heights were used to
collect airborne dust samples in one series and high volume samplers at various heights plus
tethered balloons were used for the second series. Sampling distances ranged from 19 m to
75 m from the Point-of-Burst. The mass of soil dislodged (based on the apparent crater
volume) ranged from 65 to 232 TNT equivalent in kg (from 65 kg to 235 kg of soil was
dislodged for each kg of TNT equivalent of the explosive).
The ARF values (based on the mass of soil in the clouds generated, estimated to range from
1.6 kg to 7.1 kg) were estimated to range from 0.184 to 0.84 kg TNT equivalent. The
ARFs estimated for the explosions occurring in the sandy clay (moisture 6.7% to 26.7%)
were estimated to range from 0.184 to 0.568. The ARFs for the explosions occurring in the
sandy clay-sandy soil (moisture 7.2% to 14.9%) ranged from 0.544 to 0.84. The principal
parameters influencing dust generation were: in-situ soil particle size distribution; moisture
content of the soil; chemical composition of the soil; the presence/absence of vegetation; and
meteorological conditions. Based on this limited set of data, it appears that some parameter
or combination of parameters is affecting the ARFs but the specific parameter or combination
of parameters cannot be identified. Based on the difference between the mass of soil
dislodged and carried downwind and the size distribution of the soil, the soil is not
significantly deagglomerated. If the soil were completely deagglomerated, from 32 to 115
TNT equivalent (assuming 50% of the soil is in the <100 m AED size fraction) would be
anticipated downwind. Many of the powders of concern in the DOE complex are dry,
ceramic, metallic oxides that would more readily agglomerate than soils. A further
consideration would be the chemical reactivity of the powder compound and the
characteristics of the products of such a reaction.
For shock waves in open air where blast effects will quickly dissipate, an ARF of
0.8 x TNT equivalent (in kg) is assessed to be a bounding value and, based on the soil
composition and the fact that the soil does not appear to have been significantly
deagglomerated, an RF of 0.25 is assessed to be bounding. The ARF x RF of 0.2 x TNT
equivalent is not dissimilar to the ARF of 1 x TNT equivalent for the respirable size fraction
based on a conservative interpretation of the Steindler and Seefeldt (1980) correlation. That
correlation was not developed for powders, and the data reported here is considered a more
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