| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
1.0 Introduction
F ire: Generates heat and combustion gases that may destroy/stress the
radioactive material and/or the substrate upon which radioactive materials may
be deposited, compromise barriers, and/or pressurize containers/enclosure that
may lead to the airborne release of contained radioactive materials. Mass flux
of vapors from the reacting surfaces suspend material in air. This material is
then entrained in general convective currents that provide transport for
particulate materials.
E xp losion : Generates shock and blast effects with potential for gas flow
subsequent to the explosive event that may subdivide/deagglomerate and
entrain material. Explosive reactions may result from chemical (e.g.,
oxidations involving branch-chain products, oxidations of gas-oxidant
mixtures) or physical (overpressurization to failure of tanks or vessel, vapor
explosions) reactions. Shock waves are supersonic pressure waves (pulses)
that can transmit an impulse to materials and the surrounding structures
resulting in shattering of solid items. Shock waves are a true wave
phenomenon and involve little gross motion of propagating medium. The
potential for damage from shock waves has been extensively characterized.
Blast effects are typically subsonic and involve material entrained in the gas
flow. Blast effects are often more damaging. Blast effects are not subject to
the same reflection/amplification phenomena as shock waves because they have
significant momentum and inertia. The gas expanding from the explosion zone
carries material from the explosion site. If the explosion is adjacent to the
MARs, then blast effects can cause damage above and beyond the initial
impulse loading. Some explosive reactions may be followed by chemical
reactions, material vaporization, or fires that lead to substantial gas flows
following the explosive event. These gas flows may also entrain material.
Deflagrations do not involve shock, but can simulate blast effects. Under
proper conditions (e.g., confinement, structural features that enhance
turbulence), deflagrations can transition to detonations and produce shock
C riticality: Major hazard is unshielded radiation produced. Generates fission
products that may become airborne as well. Fission product gases are released
from liquid criticalities and from solid criticalities to the extent the underlying
critical mass is degraded. Solid fission products typically have small release
fractions determined by the degree of physical stress placed on the critical
mass itself. At large fission yields, solid critical masses may experience some
degree of melting or oxidation.
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