| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
7.0 Application Examples; Dissolving Operations Examples
However, since this value is essentially indeterminate, the conservative bounding ARF
and RF values of 5E-5 and 0.8 (subsection are used. It is also assumed
that dissolution is virtually complete so all of the plutonium feed is in solution in the
slab vessel. The resulting initial respirable source term is:
1200 g * 1.0 * 5E-5 * 0.8 = 5E-2 g
If it is assumed that the vessel failed, an additional effect is liquid free-fall spill less
than 3 m, for which the ARF and RF are 2E-4 and 0.5 or 2E-5 and 1.0 (subsection depending on the density of the solution. The lesser concentration of the
sulfamic acid (14%) may warrant use of the larger value, in which case an additional
0.1 g is added to the source term, making the spill phenomena dominant.
If detonation phenomena is assumed, the TNT equivalent must be estimated. The
maximum explosive energy potential occurs when a stoichiometric mixture of
hydrogen and air exists (i.e., 30% hydrogen by volume). If the explosion occurred in
the slab dissolver, stoichiometric conditions would involve 4.2 l of hydrogen in the
14-l vapor space. At standard temperature and pressure (22.4 l/mole), 0.2 moles of
hydrogen would be available. Correction for actual temperature is neglected as it
would only reduce the moles of hydrogen present. The available energy is ~ 13,700
12.5 g of TNT (1100 cal/g). The value for an explosion in the 2-liter dissolving
chamber vapor space would be ~ 2 g of TNT.
A detonation can be assumed to occur in either the dissolution chamber or the slab
vessel. If it is assumed to happen in the slab vessel, which would have to be
considered confined, the maximum TNT equivalent for a stoichiometric mixture of air
and hydrogen is calculated to be 12.5 g. Subsection indicates that it is
bounding to assume an amount of inert material equal to the mass of TNT equivalent
becomes a respirable aerosol. In this case, that would be 12.5 g of solution.
Assuming an aqueous solution density of 1.1 g/cm3 yields an airborne release of
~ 12 ml of solution from the available total of 30 l. Because the plutonium is
considered uniformly distributed in the solution, the resulting ARF x RF value is 4E-4
(0.012 l/30 l). If the dissolution process is considered almost complete at the time of
the explosion (i.e., 1200 g Pu available in solution), the initial respirable release is:
1200 g * 1.0 * 4E-4 = 0.5 g
If the detonation is assumed to occur in the dissolving chamber, the release will be
maximized if plutonium metal is the affected material because it is not diluted
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