| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
7.0 Application Examples; Dissolving Operations Examples
throughout an inert volume. It is noted, however, that the effects cannot realistically
be confined to one material. The TNT equivalent previously calculated for the
dissolving chamber was 2 g, which would release a corresponding 2 g of plutonium as
a respirable aerosol. It is emphasized again that the use of a detonation model to
bound the physical circumstances described in this example is unwarranted. The
maximum error of this type would be to assume that since 7.5 moles of hydrogen can
theoretically be generated over the entire dissolution process, this is the amount of
material involved in a detonation in proximity to the material. The resultant TNT
equivalent would be ~ 470 g, for which a 470 g release of plutonium could be
postulated. To use such an estimate as a meaningful estimate of potential
consequences would be ridiculous.
C. Plutonium Hydride Oxidation. If the dissolution temperature is less than 50 oC,
plutonium hydride sludge may be formed due to metal-hydrogen vapor interactions at
relatively slow reaction rates. Experience indicates that such sludge may account for,
at most, 5% of the original metal charge, or ~ 60 g. The hazard identification
indicates 100 g is a generally accepted upper limit due to the fact that sludge
formation must compete against the still thermodynamically favored normal
dissolution reaction even at lower temperatures. This sludge will also dissolve if
dissolution temperature exceeds 50 oC during the overall process.
The plutonium hydride sludge produced in the dissolver is actually a damp oxide +
hydride mixture. As long as it has been passivated by dilute nitric acid and remains
damp, it can be recycled into the dissolution process without risk. If, however, the
material becomes dry, highly exothermic reactions may result. Finely divided
hydride is pyrophoric in air at room temperature. This is due to the rapid oxidation
reaction that produces PuO2 and H2. The reaction has been observed in materials
contaminated with hydride once exposure to air occurs. The hydride is not a
detonable material, nor is the hydrogen generated expected to be an explosive hazard
unless unusual confinement conditions exist.
It is assumed that 100 g of hydride sludge was generated in the process and has been
incorrectly handled, allowing it to dry in the glovebox atmosphere. Several
phenomena could be used to model the potential airborne release from initiation of the
oxidation reaction. The main concern is that the material could become a fire source,
but that would not be a major problem in the metal dissolution glovebox, which
contains very little combustible material. The release phenomena could be considered
similar to heating of reactive powders, for which the ARF and RF are 1E-2 and 1E-3
(subsection However, the phenomena is a combustion reaction, and the
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