| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
4.0 Solids; Powders
For low-energy stresses, powders do not tend to significantly fragment. For high-energy
stresses considered in this document, the size fraction of powders of concern have relaxation
times on the order of fractions of a millisecond, and thus do not tend to present themselves
for fragmentation. Therefore, the amount of respirable material assumed airborne using this
handbook should not exceed the amount of respirable material originally present in the source
MAR, if that value is known. If the value is not known, and the values assessed to be
bounding specifically use as the RF the fraction of original MAR less than 10 m AED, an
RF of 0.1 can be assumed based on Ayer, et al. ( May 1988).
4.4.1 Thermal Stress
Experiments are reported by Mishima, Schwendiman and Radasch (July 1968, November
1968) covering the airborne suspension of particulate materials during the heating of various
compounds. Two types of situations are covered - the suspension of non-reactive powders
during heating in a flowing airstream and the suspension during oxidation of reactive
compounds in a flowing airstream.
Plutonium fluoride, oxalate, and air-dried oxalate powders withdrawn from production, air-
dried Pu nitrate from the low temperature drying of concentrated Pu nitrate solutions, or the
15 to ~ 150 m AED fraction from the air oxidation of Pu metal were placed in the shallow
depression of a stainless steel planchet on top of a graphite core used for induction heating.
A thermocouple in a 3.2-mm diameter well drilled into the side of the planchet measured the
temperature during the experiment. A 75-mm quartz bell that formed the bottom of a
42.2-mm i.d. quartz chimney surrounded the planchet. Air at a pre-determined flow was
drawn up and around the planchet, through the apparatus, and the entrained material was
collected on a glass fiber filter sealing the upper end of the chimney. At the flows used, the
nominal velocities through the chimney were adequate to carry particles from up to 17 m in
diameter at 0.1 m/s to ~ 300 m in diameter at a nominal velocity of 1.0 m/s. A 0.076-mm
thick mild steel liner covering the interior surface of the chimney was used to collect any
material lost to the wall during heating but analysis indicated no significant loss in any
experiment. Results from these analyses were not reported due to the uncertainty in results
created by the difficulty in the analytical separation of the high iron content from lining
dissolution solutions. The experimental apparatus is shown in Figures A.27a and A.27b in
Appendix A. The measured suspension rates during the heating of the plutonium solid
compounds are reproduced in Tables A.33, A.34, A.35, A.36 and A.37 also in Appendix A.
All sampling periods were one hour for all tests and, therefore, the ARFs are the same as the
suspension rates converted to fraction of source. The measured ARFs are the fraction of the
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