| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
4.0 Solids; Powders
of the overall room, and more likely the same size as the overall room. To insure
reasonable conservatism, this document is assuming significant enhancement of deflagration
wind effects if (1) the flammable gas volume is 25% of the containing volume, and (2) the
confinement is sufficiently strong to allow pressures > 0.17 MPag to be sustained in the
primary confinement (e.g., glovebox, vessel). The latter condition is not met if the primary
confinement fails at pressures less than or equal to 0.17 MPag.
The two phenomena being equated are: (1) a detonation occurring within some confining
structure and in the vicinity of unshielded material; and (2) deflagration of a flammable gas
mixture with a reactive component cloud volume exceeding one-fourth the volume of a strong
enclosure (rupture pressure > 0.17 MPag) over powder lying on hard, unyielding surfaces.
In either case, the gas currents generated act upon the powder as gas flow directed at the
surface from various angles of attack (an efficient mechanism to suspend particles from
surfaces). Braaten, Shaw and Paw U (1986) did not observe any substantial entrainment
during the velocity increase to 20 m/s in a wind tunnel. John, Fritter and Winklmayr (1991)
observed some suspension of deposited powder during the increase to 40 m/s in a wind
tunnel. Wright (1984) reported the suspension of ~ 95% of the deposited powder from the
floor of a wind tunnel during the few seconds necessary to raise the velocity to 60 m/s
(~ 135 mph). A few seconds is, however, a significantly longer momentum period than
would typically be experienced in an explosion environment. If confinement or blowout
ports fail at relatively low pressures, the interaction of the blast wave with powder will be
mitigated. Events where significant interaction is considered feasible are detonations in other
than relatively open-air conditions (i.e., small volume relative to magnitude of explosion) and
deflagration of large volumes of flammable gas mixtures above the powder where
with the RF equal to the RF of the source powder. This value is directly applicable for the
deflagration case, and is applicable for detonations if it yields a larger release than the
ARF x RF recommended for shock effects. Shielded Blast Effects From Detonations and Large Volume, Confined
Deflagrations. In a survey of published literature on accident generated particulate material
(Sutter May 1982), no experimental study was found that followed the release history of the
aerosol or dust cloud immediately after the event. Many of the experimental studies centered
around the suspension of coal dust following explosions but the models developed are for
large piles of coal or ore that are not applicable here even though the materials are
adhesionless powders similar to the ceramic oxide powders found in many fuel cycle facility
accident situations. The amount of powder involved in accidents in fuel cycles under most
circumstances is orders of magnitude less and parameters used in the analysis, such as
velocity at half height, are not relevant. Two types of powders were addressed: cohesive
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