| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
4.0 Solids; Powders
(6 to 80 m diameters) and free-flowing (100 to 150 m diameters). Different entrainment
mechanisms govern the types of materials. A variety of observations on the sequences or
phenomena governing entrainment are reported.
For velocities following weak or marginal explosions, Singer, Cook and Grumer (1972)
reported entrainment resulting from the erratic rupture and removal of large clumps from the
surface of cohesive dust ridges and their dispersal in the midstream. They attributed the
entrainment to a five step process: 1) detachment of single particles from the loose material
on the surface; 2) detachment of small clumps and particles; 3) partial fracturing and
subsequent entrainment of large clumps; 4) ridge breakup and complete breakup of large
clumps; and, 5) continued breakup and dispersal of clumps in midstream. Steps 1 through 4
required from 0.1 to 0.5 seconds to entrain 2 grams of material from cohesive dust ridges.
Fresh deposits were more readily dispersed and deposits became cohesive when slightly
compacted (such as after spill of material).
Singer, Harris and Grumer (1976) observed that explosions generated oscillatory flow
(increased flow followed by flow reversal) in wind tunnel experiments. Entrainment
appeared to be a weak function of the instantaneous air speed over the bed. Wetted or
wetted-dried layers of coal and rock dust dispersed faster due to the selective lifting of
relatively large briquetted fragments. Entrainment proceeded simultaneously by longitudinal
regression of the leading edge of a cohesive bed and the lifting of material from the surface
layer. The threshold instantaneous air velocity to entrain bulk quantities from cohesive beds
ranged from 5 to 30 m/s (11 to 67 mph). If the threshold velocity is exceeded for one
component of a mixed layer but not the other, the components can be entrained individually.
Chepil (1945) observed that the entrainment process begins with a rolling or sliding particle
motion as drag forces exceed friction forces. Punjrath and Heldman (1937) attributed
entrainment to the sudden increase in aerodynamic shear stress from the transition from
laminar to turbulent flow. Einstein (1942) observed that entrainment depended on the
fluctuation of the air velocity at the surface rather than of critical fluid properties (e.g., mean
velocity of bulk flow). Kalinske (1947) and Graf and Acaroglu (1968) reported entrainment
was due to fluctuating pressure and velocity components. Parthenaides and Passwell (1970)
presented the entrainment rate equations for the erosion of cohesive beds based on the
fluctuating flow components inducing instantaneous tensile stresses within the bed that
exceed the weakest bond holding particles in the bed.
No theory for entrainment due to the pressure waves generated by explosion appears to be
generally accepted. Various equations were uncovered that estimated the entrainment rate
under these conditions but all required either experimentally derived/empirical factors or
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