| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
Appendix B; Production Support Lab
Clean Areas
0.1" WG
Secondary Air Locks
0.15" WG
Regulated Analytical Areas
0.2" WG
Primary Air Locks
0.25" WG
Analytical Rooms
0.3" WG
0.9" WG
Differential pressure readout and low-level alarms are available in the facility utility room.
Local indications of differential pressure are available at each glovebox as well. An
automatic mechanical sequencer controls restart of fans following loss of ventilation to
prevent overpressurizing the facility. This unit will also trip supply fans if an exhaust fan
fails and the standby unit does not come on.
3.1.4 E xistin g S tru ctu ral S tu d ies
The H-7 building was not built in accordance with any one set of identifiable contractor
standards. The site study "Building H-7 Design Criteria" identifies what criteria the building
construction is believed to correlate with and notes modifications made in accordance with the
changed mission to support H-Plant operations.
An independent study of the facility was performed by Brown and Associates in 1987. This
study relied on extensive facility walk-throughs and review of available documentation. The
study concluded that the H-7 facility is structurally sound and would withstand the design
basis equivalent tornado of 119 mph from UCRL-15910 without significant damage. The
seismic resistance of the facility, however, is substantially weaker than that of H-Plant.
Site-specific response spectra used in the evaluation were defined in an independent study
conducted by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. These response spectra provided
surface accelerations at an average soil depth. For return periods of one in 1000 years and
one in 10,000 years, acceleration levels are 0.13g and 0.25g. The 1987 structural assessment
reached the following conclusions about expected seismic damage:
Probable Damage
Threshold of serious effects. Exterior walls are overstressed and
experience minor cracking. Interior gypsum board walls begin
to fail. Interior unreinforced concrete block walls intact but
show signs of distress. Connection points between girders and
support columns experience some weldment failure.
Generically supported piping fails due to differential displacement.
Page B-86
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