| ![]() DOE-HDBK-3010-94
Appendix B; Production Support Lab
Probable Damage
Onset of potential for utility equipment failures. Highest value
at which continued supply of electrical power can be assumed.
Represents threshold of ventilation unavailability due to loss of
power. Interior unreinforced concrete block wall cracking and
possible localized failures. General failure of non-concrete
Major cracking in external walls. Onset of external glovebox
connection pipe and wiring failure. Excessive slippage due to
failed weldments between girders and columns on the south wall
of the building causes partial collapse of roof in the ventilation
and HEPA plenum area (i.e., southeast quadrant, ≈ 25% of room).
≥ 0.15
General building collapse.
3.1.5 F acility S u p p ort S ystem s N u clear Incid en t M on itors
Four sets of two nuclear criticality incident monitors each detect and alarm in excessive
minimum of three monitors at any point in the facility. They provide flashing light and bell
ringing indications when activated. The units are designed to alarm on any internal failure
and receive power via an uninterruptable power supply. N u clear C riticality D esign M itigation an d C on trol S ystem s
There are only two major contaminated liquid holding tanks in the H-7 building. These are
the plenum deluge catch tank and the waste holding tank, each of which are equipped with
borated raschig rings to prevent criticality during abnormal conditions. During normal
operation, there is no reason to believe critical accumulations of plutonium in the tanks can
All transfers of material, whether samples, sample recycle, or waste pails, are limited to one
defined critically safe unit at a time.
Page B-87
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