| DOE-HDBK-3012-96
The following items were learned from conducting previous ORRs and Readiness Assessments
(RAs) from which both line managers and reviewers could benefit.
The successful completion of any ORR will be strongly influenced by the degree to which readiness
to start program work has been achieved prior to the start of the ORR. While it is the responsibility
of line management to achieve a condition of readiness, experience indicates that the ORR Team
Leader (TL) can influence the success of the process to gain readiness during his/her preparations
for the ORR. In many cases, the potential for the particular problem to occur will become evident
during previsits or other ORR preparations. The following lessons learned reflect areas in which
the ORR TL and Team Members (TM) may improve the success of the ORR.
Experience shows that prerequisites should provide significant detail and be fully
measurable in order to permit line management to track each prerequisite to completion.
The ORR/RA standard stresses the fact that the prerequisites should be tied to the core
requirements, which are what will be evaluated in the readiness determination. So, ensure
that the ORR Prerequisites specified in the Plan of Action support achieving readiness.
A thorough Management Self-Assessment to assist line management in verifying that
readiness has been achieved is an important final step in preparing for the ORR. The ORR
Implementation Plan should reflect an intention to review the results of the management
Inadequate, incomplete, or undefined incorporation of the safety basis documentation into
procedures and policies has frequently resulted in delays in starting an ORR or in significant
findings during the ORR. This is frequently caused by late development and approval of the
safety basis documentation. Line management may not fully grasp the time and effort
necessary to develop and implement all of the "flow down" procedures and surveillances
necessary to put the requirements of the approved safety documentation into practice.
Ensure full implementation of the safety basis.
Inadequate or incomplete evidence files or other verifiable documentation which
demonstrates that the prerequisite conditions have been met may result in an inability to
verify readiness has been achieved. The implementation plan should clearly indicate the
intentions to review these evidence files.
A responsible representative of the line management team must be prepared to demonstrate
to the ORR TM that the conditions required to be met prerequisite to resumption, have
actually been met. In most cases, this individual will be the counterpart who is assigned to
work with the individual ORR TM. The counterparts should be identified and utilized
during the previsit.
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